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How to Travel with No Money - 4 ways

what's up guys I'm gonna share with you the four best ways to travel the world with no money at all it sounds pretty crazy right listen if you take the advice we're gonna share with you today you could literally set off on an adventure not come home for a year two years five years this stuff is gonna change you from a fundamental perspective because that's what travel does it takes you out of the comfort of your home and your culture and the people you're surrounded with every day and like all the time zones and what you do hour per hour of every waking day of your life and puts you in a new perspective you'll see life through a different lens so take this advice let's kick some ass and we're gonna start off with number one competitions it's gonna sound kind of funny I know I know competitions what do you mean there are thousands of companies that are literally putting competitions online that you can apply for and if you win you will get free travel I'm not joking you search travel competitions on Google scroll down to the bottom click page ten and you will still be reading competitions from random clothing companies from dive shops from all these different places like the opportunities are endless you just need to apply yourself number two job offers okay listen you must have a skill or two or three who knows are you a bartender do you have mathematical skills you're an accountant can you you know teach someone English so you have a strong back and you can work you know very well and lay concrete whatever you can do there is going to be a Craigslist in the country you want to visit and explore you can go there and you can work and get paid to do it and you don't need anybody it's that simple now it's a bit different obviously I get it look you're not traveling the world all extravagantly but you're gonna be in another country and you're gonna be having a whole night in this other area where you know for example I was in Australia I got this really strange job where you're essentially getting people to sign up for different monthly offerings and you have to like stop them on the street no fun at all but what I did was I worked this job into my hours I'm not working I'm surfing I'm like going to different areas of different cities that I've never explored before I'm finding waterfalls I'm meeting new people staying in different hostels and then a month later I get a different job and these opportunities are afforded to you you just got a look for them which leads us to number three number three is work to live opportunities all right now there are a bajillion websites online that offer really unique applicable things where you're gonna go online you're gonna find something like get paid to live in someone's house in another country sounds weird yes it is this is another thing called whooping I've never done whooping and I think there's two double users in the word whooping but essentially they're gonna teach you how to be an organic you know sustainable farmer and sometimes you get paid to do this as well so these are opportunities you're gonna find online and it is different than you know just going on Craigslist and trying to find a straight-up job where you're gonna be working in a dish pit or salesman or whatnot these are specific opportunities that are actually pretty dope like Google work to live opportunities and you will find things for like hey we need someone helping out on our dive boat or we're looking for help in our yoga studio or we've got an animal shelter that needs stop these things are all over the world like some of these websites have different opportunities in like 50 plus countries and you can strain to figure out where you want to go how you want to travel a world with no money based on the opportunities that are available now we lead to number four become a travel influencer sounds pretty easy right I think that's kind of what a higher life is ended up becoming and we didn't do this on purpose but in short I'm going to run this real quick by you I don't want you to be too you know confused by this what is a travel influencer someone who has built a brand that makes content that has a bit of an audience and that works with businesses that funds them to travel the world it's not simple if you want to learn more about how to do this we've got a link in the bio below that will teach you a little bit more but guys I just wanted to mystify the world of travel because you don't have to be rich to explore the world and if you use these interesting opportunities to your advantage and you put the time and energy and you go online and look for these really interesting opportunities you're gonna find something that speaks to you and if you don't have money this is the next best option I mean yeah you can stay at home you can work like a like a dog to save up money but also spending money to live at home or you can get a plane ticket to some country like you know get 350 bucks get a last-minute flight deal to Japan and then work in a panda factory where they pay you and you're living his life like a king playing with those fuzzy creatures look I'm not joking with you here's a great example my buddy Kenzo there was some competition that was a hosting it was like the best job in the world opportunity essentially it was how to become a professional scuba diving instructor he won it and he got I think he lived in Bali for six months all expenses paid got gear and all this stuff and this propelled his life forward he ended up travelling to like five or six other countries afterwards teaching scuba diving and you never would have thought that something like a competition could lead to a life of travel where you know you start off with no money you've really got to put your head around this look if you don't have money this is the next best option there are hundreds and hundreds or thousands of opportunities online for you to find to apply yeah sure it might take a bit of time it might take a bit of energy but managing why wouldn't you try like there's no excuses so get your ass out there apply yourself and get on the road experience the world because traveling is for everyone and as soon as you get that itch you are gonna see what it does to you it could change you as a person so for me to you I love you and leave a comment if you think I've missed something or if you like my advice I know it's unique please hit the like button subscribe to our channel then we'll see you soon for another video ciao [Music]

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